1. Introduction to Java
- What is Java?
- Background/History of Java
- The Internet and Java's place in it
- Applications and Applets
- Java Virtual Machine
- Byte code - not an executable code
- Procedure-Oriented vs. Object-Oriented Programming
- Basics of OOP
- Compiling and running a simple "Hello World" program
2. Holding Data
- Primitive Data types
- User-Definied Data Types
- Declarations
- Constants
- Identifiers,Literals
- Type Convversion and Casting
- Objects and Wrapper Classes
- variables
- Command-Line Arguments
- Arrays of Primitive Data Types
- Command-Line Syntax
- Garbage Collection
3. Controlling the flow
- Expressions
- Using Operators
- Using control statements
4. Object Oriented Programming Concepts
- Abstraction
- Encapsulation
- Polymorphism and Overloading
- Fundamentals of classes
- Constructors
- More on Methods
- Nested and inner Classes
5.Inheritance & Packaging
- Inheritance
- The Object Class
- Abstract and Final classes
- Packages
- interfaces
6.Handling Error & Exceptions
- Basic Exceptions
- Proper use of Exceptions
- user Defined Exceptions
- Catching Exception
- Throwing and re-throwing
- Cleaning up using the finally clause
7. Handling Strings
- creation, Concatenation and Conversion of string
- Changing Case
- Character Extraction
- String Comparsion
- searching Strings
- Modifying Strings
- String Buffer
8. Threads
- Create/instantiate/Start New Threads
- Understand Thread Execution
- Thread Priorities
- Synchornization
- inter-Thread Communication,Deadlock
9. I/O and Streams
- Package
- Files and directories
- Streams
- Reading/Writing Console Input/Output
- Reading and writing Files
- The Serialization Interface
10. understanding Core Packages
- using Java.lang package
- Wrapper classes and associated Methods
- using java.Util Packages
- Core classes
11. Holding Collection of data
- Arrays and collection classes/interfaces
- Map/List/Set Implementations
- Collection Classes
- Accessing Collections/use of and iterator
- Comparator
12. Java Applications
- Intro to AWT and Swing
- Working with Frame, windows, graphics, color, fonts
- AWT controls
- Layout Managers
- JFrame and JPanel containers
- User Interface Events
- Adapter Classes
13. Windows Form
- Introduction to Windows Form
- Form Controls
- User Define Controls
14. Introduction to java Applets
- What is a Java Applet?
- Applet Lifecycle Methods
- bulld a simple applet
- using Appletviewer
- Adding Controls
- Animation Concepts
15. Basic Networking Concepts)
- What is Client/Server Application?
- Manuplating URL's
- Establishing a Simple Server
- Establishing a Simple Server
- Client/server Interaction using TCP
- Connectionless Client/Server interaction using Datagram(UDP)